8 - 20 days prior to the departure date of the tour | 20% |
2 - 7 days prior to the departure date of the tour | 30% |
the day immediately before the departure date of the tour | 40% |
before the departure time on the departure date of the tour | 50% |
after the departure time or no cancellation notice is received | 100% |
8 - 20 days prior to the departure date of the tour | 20% |
2 - 7 days prior to the departure date of the tour | 30% |
the day immediately before the departure date of the tour | 40% |
before the departure time on the departure date of the tour | 50% |
after the departure time or no cancellation notice is received | 100% |
1.Sunrise Tours60週年紀念商品。以1964年Sunrise Tours開始出團時的行程為基礎,再加上近年來受到外國人矚目的觀光景點的復刻版周遊行程。
4.第16~17天,安排住宿和Sunrise Tours一同於2024年歡度60週年慶的東京王子大酒店。周遊行程最後,請在可眺望東京鐵塔的客房內慢慢休息。
本商品為Sunrise Tours企劃的SDGs「環境友善“Environment (Eco) -friendly”」、「文化交流“Cross-cultural Understanding”」、「社會貢獻“Social Contribution”」商品。
本行程為碳補償(Carbon Offset)商品,部分團費用於購買可回收再利用的能源。行程中排放的二氧化碳會轉換成綠色能源,貢獻於地球的永續生存。
本商品是包含「戶外活動」、「自然」、「文化體驗」等3大要素的Sunrise Tours冒險之旅。
剩餘團位 | |
報名期限 | |
金額(一人) |
人數 |
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